Saturday, May 31, 2008

somerset studio

currently on newsstands and barnes ad nobles.
please notice i am the featured artist!!! i'm very proud of that.
other notices of lisa bebi:
oh, also please come visit me june 7 in art around the ladybug gallery, i will be having showing new art, plus live music and tons of other exciting fun. i will be there from noon until 8 p.m.

also, calling all artists: please come to my workshop in italy...october 7- 12, 2008 emai for more info.

finally, look for my new publication, "iN magazine" san diego regional arts emerging and established artists explored.
launch date october 17, 2008!

from pimp my spleen........

thank yo for inviting me to come to your site.....please visit me too.
lisa bebi

Upcoming Calendar

June 8th
Board Meeting, Noon to 2 PM
Open to all members and friends. At Hot Monkey Love Cafe and Music Hall 6875 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 619/469-4113 Watch for the agenda!

June 21st
WCA Table/Booth at San Diego County Fair at Del Mar
Open to all members. WCA has also been invited to have a booth at the Fair, if you are interested in participating please contact Laurie Carlock at 619 284-3118

June 22nd
Soul-stice Celebration 10 AM to Noon
Event at the home of Cynthia Gott, 930 Ebony Avenue, Imperial Beach. Cross street is 9th Avenue off of Imperial beach Blvd. or Palm Avenue,
Cynthia's new phone number 619/508-7155

Introducing WCA/San Diego's blog

Well this is the blog for WCA San Diego. You can post to the blog, send messages to other members. Just have a good time. Let us know what you're up to!

I look forward to this being another way that we can network with each other, stay connected to all the great women artists and those that love them!